Author in the Classroom Visits

Here is a rough outline of my presentation topics. I have lots of visual props to help keep interest. I pass along my messages in story form, telling true life experiences in a style mixed with humor and sincerity. (I'm not a bad oral story teller.)

Before my presentation I like to visit with the educators or administration to see what the school or class is doing with writing. I do my best to adapt my presentation to include or reinforce what the school and teachers are doing.

While I talk, I use my props for visuals and hand out a variety of "trinkets" to a student when she or he asks or answers a question. Right away they get the idea of getting something by participating. My trinket are:

Here is the general flow. Soon, I'll have some pictures of my props and the goodies I hand out.

I.  Welcome and Introduction

II.  We Have a lot in Common. We are all writers.

III. My Life As a Writer (Through Stories)

The Messages


Depending on the time available and your preference I continue with a short or longer track.

 Short Track

IV. Being a Writer Yourself

V.  Long Track - Includes the Short Track plus the following: